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Make Money. Start it Today,.

  • Monday, November 15, 2010
  • by
  • sircyor
  • Paid To Click is an online business model that draws online traffic from people aiming to earn money from home. Paid-To-Click, or simply PTC websites, act as middlemen between advertisers and consumers; the advertiser pays for displaying ads on the PTC website, and a part of this payment goes to the viewer when he views the advertisement.

    In addition, most PTC sites offer a commission to its members for signing up new members (similar to many affiliate marketing programs online), or they may pay members a percentage of the clicks that their referrals make as an ongoing commission.

    The viability of the PTC business model has been questioned, as fraudulent clicks have ramped up the expenses for advertisers. With lawsuits filed against the internet search companies, the burden has been placed on Google, Yahoo and others to determine valid clicks from fraudulent ones.

    Even though advertisements are the most widely known method for PTC sites to stay alive, much of the profit can come from the direct sales of referrals or upgrade packages which are created by the owner of each PTC site.

    As many scam PTC sites that there are online, there are several legitimate sites that use the Paid To Click business model as a viable advertising alternative.

    Do not waste your time, start making extra income today. There are lot of websites that they offer like this and be aware and start to earn for your future. Anyone can do it, simple process. All you need to do is check it every day and click all the ads pose in the ads section of the site.

    There are a lot of Paid to Click sites, on the web. The links below are the Top sites at present.
    You can check before you sign up or start, you can explore for more to clarify that this is true and legit site to be trusted.
    The decision is yours. If you want to change your life, and if you need extra cash, These simple tips that I share with you, answer what you want in your life. nothing to lose if you try.

    Please share it with your friends, relatives, peers and the world.


    PAID-To-CLick Fox-BUX

  • Friday, November 12, 2010
  • by
  • sircyor
  • Fox-BUX

    FoxBux Full Review

    Is scam or is it paying? How to make money with fox-bux and is it worthy to try foxbux?

    These are probably the questions on which you are looking the answers. In this review you will find them. But at first here are few facts about fox-bux. This Paid-TO-CLICK site which was launched on 29th June is running on PTC evolution script. This script is currently the best PTC script on the market which is almost bugs free and highly secured.
    Fox-bux is paying, there are many payment proofs at the forum and there have been no complains from members until now. The minimum payout is $0.50 for PayPal and Liberty Reserve and $1.00 for AlertPay.

    How to make money with
    At foxbux you are paid for clicking on ads. For standard members there are about 6+ ads to click per day. However the value of these ads is much lower than we used to with other ptc sites. Members are able to earn up to $0.022/click but usually there are only ads worthy $0.001 - $0.002, therefore standard members will be able to earn only about $0.008 per day. This is very low, most of ptc sites offer you up to $0.04/day from own clicks.

    Standard members could have up to 150 direct referrals and they will earn 30% of their earnings. Upgrade members will earn up to 75% of refs' earnings.

    Fox-bux admin also announced there will be also investment feature implemented at fox-bux soon. In other words he will implement hyip feature to this PTC site. This is not very good sign because hyip sites are very unsafe and scam within few days or weeks. Also hyip is hated by PayPal which will probably suspend fox-bux account for this. This feature might bring a nice income in short period however in long run this might cause a lot of troubles and disrupt the stability of this PTC site.

    Is foxbux worthy to try?
    Fox-bux is legit and paying at the moment, but this PTC is still very new and most of new ptc sites are paying. Also if you take into the consideration very low earnings from click (standard members only earn about $0.008/day from own clicks) and introduction of risky hyip feature I would be probably looking somewhere else.

    If you have any relevant information about this site I would like to encourage you to share them via comments to help other readers. Thank You. HAve a NICE DAY.!


    Paid-To-Click The ORangeClix

  • by
  • sircyor
  • You can earn money easily by clicking their advertising site on their website. All you have to do and must have is. You have a Computer with Internet Connection, You must daily update your account to make sure that the offer to click must be clicked daily to credited to your account. You can also share this good news and  refer this to your friends,relatives,peers and in the community. So what are your waiting for, sign up and be a member and to earn extra income. Start it Today
    for more information Pls. click here and visit at their official website. Thank you and have a nice CLICKING.


  • Sunday, November 7, 2010
  • by
  • sircyor
  • while surfing the the net I encounter another Pay Per Click site which is Main-BUX. I try this one if it is true. Let me try and I have signed up for an account and I`ll be using this website to document the entire experience, including all money made. i will made daily update with all my earning. 

     if you like to experience it. click the upper icons to visit the said site. please do make a comment if you are a member of this site. To determine this is illegitimate one. and alway keep in touch.



  • Saturday, November 6, 2010
  • by
  • sircyor


    There a lot of of websites offers this kind of opportunities. First comes in my mind is, isn’t true? And illegitimate? Will, as I search all of them. There some websites are scammer and fake. And there are several websites that you can say it is real. In this scenario I tried to discover what is inside on it and how it will work. I do some research; explore the world of wide web, read some articles and forums to make sure that this is worth to do it and not just doing for nothing and wasting time and effort. Through this things my questions, and doubts about this kind of job is answered. YES, this is real. I want to share this to all, especially to others who want to exit their existing job because they don’t like their job anymore or need some extra income.

     If we can choose what kind of lifestyle we want to live and if we can determine our own career, then we can decide whatever type of job to pursue as well. Different kinds of work can fall into different categories and groups. But perhaps, people today only understand two types of work – the usual 8am to 6pm day jobs and of course work away from home and work from home or in other words, making money online. In order for someone to come up with such decision, s/he must learn and explore the differences between the two work preferences, how they basically work, the advantages, the cons, the challenges, the rewards and all that.

    Let’s start off with the “other” work or the traditional jobs, whatever you may call it. Many teens tend to become independent and quite responsible when they start getting almost any kind of job offline, from becoming one of the staff of a small diner to working as an assistant in a certain clinic. Although these jobs don’t really pay much, it’s still a pretty good start and there’s something else that those working teens are earning here – experience. That’s as equally important as money.
    A lot of individuals, not only those teens mentioned earlier but adults as well, believe that offline jobs and office work provide them some kind of experience like developing street smarts, confidence, among others, that making money online or working from home may not be able to give. This argument is somehow similar to the ongoing debate between online education and school education and which of the two methods is able to improve the students’ learning skills more effectively. Some say that although online education does eliminate several distractions commonly found in a school setting like peer pressure, bullies and favoritism, it also deprives the individual to experience great stuff that they might want to enjoy and participate in like going to the prom, playing or watching basketball and other games, joining cheerleading competitions or quiz bees and all those things that help shape up the social aspect of our lives.

    Similarly, when you are making money online, you will be on your own, no more annoying bosses monitors you, no more nosy colleagues, you can manage time, no targets at all and you can work what time you want. Which may also mean no one to talk to or have a conversation with. Though you can always pay a visit to your favorite social networking sites or catch up with your online connections through chat, which can never replace the feeling that personal interaction brings.

    The simplest way to earn money online:

     First: Taking online surveys


    Many companies offer this to promote their products and services. You got paid for it. It likes you indorse their products or to make some reviews to their products by means to make sense to their targeted costumers. And there’s always that chance for you to make money from home through this. If you think this is the path you feel taking, make sure you have fully understood what it can bring you and how it basically works. The following are some thoughts to ponder: 

    1. Go for those highly-recommended survey sites and survey opportunities. There are probably hundreds or more survey sites online and it’s going to be like searching a needle in a hay stack if you don’t narrow down your search. Find out ways on how to sort out your search because some of those survey sites are not worth your time and effort. Perhaps there are websites that offer or provide a comprehensive list of recommended survey sites that you can check out and choose from. Try your best to find sites like that to be able to get access to those lists.

    2. Be very careful when you make money online through surveys. You know how scammers or scams can take the form of a legitimate survey offer and pretend they are the genuine ones just to fool unsuspecting victims and rip those people off their hard-earned cash. So it’s not highly impossible that some of the survey sites you are planning to try are nothing but a bunch of hoaxes. That’s why you should always keep your guards up.

     3. Find survey sites that pay high. Not all survey offers are for 1 dollar or 5 dollars. Sometimes, it’s more than that like 10 or perhaps 50. You are lucky if you have found one but there are lots of those online. Just be patient when you are performing searches. Taking surveys is just one of the many opportunities that an aspiring Internet marketer has to try. If you can’t get away from your offline job, you can still continue with doing surveys as part-time. When time comes that you are ready to go full-time, then that’s up to you.

    The Other Simplest Way and effortless to make money online:


    There are some affiliates marketer offers this kind of opportunities. All you have to do is just by clicking their ads on their sites. As simple at that, even children can to this kind of job. How much you gain for this? Every click, you gain 0.01$, 0.015 and so on directly credited to your account. This is not much high pay as you can think, but this is a kind of rewards that you can gain an extra income while doing surveys, while doing a blog, or while surfing and searching in the net and your free time.

    There are lots of sites that offer this kind of opportunities. I`ll gives you some list of sites below:

    Neobux is a pay-per-click membership site run by an internet marketer name Rezk that pays members to click on advertiser links and visit their websites for a certain length of time. The way you make money as a member of this site is very simple. You click on links, visit advertiser websites, stay on them for a certain period of time, and you earn money for it. You refer others to the program, and you earn money when they click on websites too.

     As simple at that, even children can to this kind of job. How much you gain for this? Every click, you gain 0.01$, 0.015 and so on directly credited to your account. This is not much high pay as you can think, but this is a kind of rewards that you can gain an extra income while doing surveys, while doing a blog, or while surfing and searching in the net and your free time.

    Same with this below:



    So, Don`t waste a Chance. No fees required and to be collected. 100% guarantee


  • Friday, November 5, 2010
  • by
  • sircyor

  • The World`s largest theme park in the Gulf emirate of Abu Dhabi – Ferrari World. Over 86,000square metres(925,696 sq.feet), with itd massive red roof covers 200,000sq. metres (2.15 million square feet), this park located near emirate`s Yas Marina. And the first largest Ferrari prancing horse shield in Asia.Up to 10,000 people can occupy at a time.
    The park is a project plan which part of Abu Dhabi's multi-billion-dollar effort to develop Yas Island. The emirate also plans to open branches of the Louvre and Guggenheim museums on nearby Saadiyat Island. And develop extravagant, and multi-billion project to become a world`s first-class destination and the magnificent centerpiece.

    Abu Dhabi, the largest and richest of the seven emirates making up the United Arab Emirates, has launched an ambitious development plan to 2030 to modernize and diversify its economy away from oil. 

    The world's largest indoor theme park in Middle East features a host of rides and attractions to create an unforgettable experience for every member of the family and love one. it a whole new experience of shopping,dinning and vacation get away.


    Personal Budgeting To Personal Wealth

  • Thursday, September 9, 2010
  • by
  • sircyor
  • BUDGETING sounds like something requiring loads of money and an expensive financial planner. Relax, it is just finding a way to budget that allows you to decide how much personal income to set aside. 
    Personal finance budgeting programs and better money managing strategies will help you achieve the goals you have set for yourself.

    You will get the satisfaction of being able to watch your progress, whatever that may be. Maybe a new car. Maybe a new house. How about some extra wiggle room at the end of the month?? Try to make a personal budget soon!


    GOOD BUDGET is a spending plan that includes everything you will spend money on and stays within your income.

    BAD BUDGET is spending much everything that is not practically needed. e.g stuffs, and more.

    WISE BUDGET includes everything you will spend money on, savings for a “rainy day”, savings for large purchases, giving, saving for kids, and investment for retirement and still stays within your income. 


    If we don't budget, we do not know what happen our cash flow that to assure our money is enough to feed our needs.We lose control of our expenses and can't even figure out where the money went. Worse, yet....we can't figure out where we'll get the money to cover that big bill we forgot was coming.

    Budget to Save Money For:

    1. Save money for the future.
    2. Save money for emergencies.
    3. Become financially stable and secure.
    4. For future expenses.
    5. Paying debts.
    6. Planning for business.

    Budgeting money, keeping track of what is in your wallet, is essential to gaining wealth and save wealth in your resources as will. And try to find another way to make money to gain more and fit for your personality. Don`t go into this thinking GLOOM and DOOM. Your wallet is a vehicle to your financial goals.

    How to create a budget?

    Before you begin to create your budget it is important to realize that in order to be successful you have to provide as much detailed information as possible
    . Ultimately, the end result will be able to show where your money is coming from, how much is there and where it is all going.

    Create budget is not sounds like the most exciting things or activities in this world to do, but it is a vital in keeping your financial to be financially stable.

    1.  Review your budget monthly. It is important to review your budget on a regular basis to make sure you are staying on track. After the first month take a minute to sit down and compare the actual expenses versus what you had created in the budget. This will show you where you did well and where you may need to improve.

    2.Total you monthly income and monthly expenses. If you end result shows more income than expenses you are off to good start. This means you can prioritize this excess to areas of your budget such as retirement savings or paying more on credits cards to eliminate that debt faster.
    3.Record all of your sources of income.  If you are a self-employed or have any outside sources of income be sure to record these as well.  If your income is in the form of regular paycheck where taxes are automatically deducted then using the net income, or take home pay, amount is fine.Record this total income as a monthly income amount.

    4.Make adjustments to expenses. If you have accurately identified and listed all of you expenses the ultimate goal would be to have your income and expense columns to be equal. This means all of your income is accounted for and budgeted for a specific expense.

    5.Gather every financial information you can.  Includes Bank statement, investment accounts.


    The envelope budgeting system is a very simple budgeting trick. They key to the system is sticking to it.

    How to Start This Envelope Budgeting System.?

    Use this idea for expenses that have some flexibility in them.You mortgage and car payments and the like are fixed. You do not have any options when paying these expenses. However a certain amount of grocery bills, light bills, water bills and clothing expenses fall within you discretionary spending.

    1. Decide how much of your budget you to intend to spend on each of your chosen categories.
    2. Label an envelope with the name of the bill(or expense) and place your budget allowance in it.
    3. Paying for your purchase in cash has a different impact than a debit card or credit card. It feels it hurts more.

    When that money is spent, you are done with that expenses for the month.

    That`s it, no cheating. No adding money to the envelope.! Only use the money in any labeled envelope for what it was budgeted for. No stealing from you other envelopes.
                                                                                           (Robbing Juan to pay Maria )
    Try to beat your personal budget projection and save extra money for something special later on.!

    This System really works forces you to see where your money is going.


    1. First step is stop using credit card, if you use credit cards must be paid on or before the due.

    2. Stop buying stuff you don`t NEED. Impulse buying is a budget killer. The only way to get a handle on your debt is to start a budget and stop frivolous spending.

    Strategies to save money.

    Everyone can use some tips on budgeting. As much as the world may hate to admit it, there is no such thing as a money tree. And chances are you are not going to strike it rich anytime soon. You need to learn how to save more money.

    That is why it is so important every person and family create a budget that works for them.
    Not only will you be able to save up for the things you truly want by budgeting living expenses, you will guard yourself from debt that could haunt you for years to come.

    Practical Money Saving Tips

    1.To make the most out of your new limitations, become a smart shopper.  The next time you visit your favorite store, ask to join their mailing list, if such a thing is available. In doing this you are likely to receive exclusive discounts and coupons in the future.

    2.Instead of eating out three times week, slash it to once a week, but choose a place that everyone can enjoy and get something from.

    3.Instead of going out to the movies, opt for a movie night at home.

    4.Try budget cooking for a crowd and freeze leftovers for later.

    5.Avoid paying retail and instead wait for sales both online and offline. Again, do not attempt to live beyond your means; this is a typical mistake that can only bring trouble to the table.


    Focusing your life solely on making a bucks shows a prov
    erty of ambition. It asks too little of yourself. And it will leave you unfilled. -(BARACK OBAMA)

    That man is richest whose pleasure are cheapest. -Henry Thoreau